Cultivating dope commences with seeds.

Seeds can be acquired in different ways. If you’re fortunate enough to have some weed that you like which has seeds in it, there you go. Clean the weed and harvest the seeds. Of course, with the advent of sophisticated cultivation, most commercial weed comes from unpollinated female buds and contains no seeds at all. That’s where the term “sinsemilla” came from, but seedless marijuana is so common now that the term is seldom used .

You can always buy seeds. In some countries you can buy them over the counter. They’re also sold in magazines or on the web. Buying seeds gives you much greater choice. However, it may be illegal, so check your local laws.

Regardless of how you do it, you have to get some seeds.

Different strains of weed produce different strains of seeds. Some are fat, round balls. They can also be tiny. Some are dark. They can be light colored. They can come spotted and dotted. They can have stripes or look camouflaged.

What is important is that they are genetically mature seeds. The shells should be clean and hard, and should crush easily.

If the seeds are small and bright green they are likely immature.

Get an idea of how marijuana is growing.

Learn the tips how do you grow marijuana.

Thanks for reading hope you get the idea of marijuana seeds that will help you ways to grow marijuana.

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